With time and patience, we can make things grow

Benefits of houseplants

Houseplants can contribute to our well-being, making us feel calm, less stressed and even optimistic. Some houseplants remove indoor air pollutants. They are "nature's air purifiers". Ideal air filtering plants include peace lillies, spider plants, dracaenas, pothos, snake plant, Chinese evergreen and english ivy.

Shop Collection's

Soil Arsenal

Starter Juniper Mound Bonsai


  • Local & Artisanal

    Working with the community is important to us and we value their skills and knowledge. You will find beautiful and unique provisions made by local makers and artisans that compliment Urban Nature

  • We are Nature

    As a part of nature we want to try our best to do our part and help our environment , planting native gardens, buying local , and selecting products that help instead of doing harm.

  • Work shops and clases

    Join us as we provide in-store lectures and hands-on workshops on varying plant & gardening topics. Our regular workshops include Bonsai, Miniature Gardening, Succulent Gardening, and Terrariums.